Wednesday, March 5, 2008

too shallow to think of a deep title for this post

i have approximately an hour and 15 minutes before go home time. did i ever tell you how i used to correct everyone's spelling errors? even in chatting conversations, like AIM (ooooold school), MSN messenger (ghetto) and gmail chat (ohhh yeah). they would spell weird, like wierd and i would type and correct them and give them the correct spelling. i dont really do that anymore, but i used to, ALL the time. and if there was a spelling mistake on the chalkboard, i would stare at it all of class and wish that it was spelled right. i also ate lunch with three redheads in seventh grade in the library. we were friends with the librarian so we had special permission to eat in the science fiction corner. which probably explains why i bought the whole Ender's series by Orson Scott Card. I've yet to read the other four. so i read sci fi books. so what?


Becky @ Project Domestication said...

keep 'em coming girl! orson scott card!?

p.s. i expect you to be commenting on my new blog!

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

sorry it's