Friday, May 16, 2008

Almost a sucker.

i seriously need to come up with a brand new about me. mine is getting boring. i thought i won this trip thing to anaheim from Worldmark by Wyndham (cause I seriously never win anything. The only two things I've won are 1) a huge pink tote bag from Target at high school senior celebration and 2) a free gold's gym pass from entering a drawing at little caesar's...i didnt know that everyone won one of those). so i was so excited. but then i started doing a little research about this "prize" i won. THe first thing that pops up on google? Rip off report. Awesome. Not going to Anaheim or to South Jordan to "claim my prize." I was almost a sucker.


Becky @ Project Domestication said...

if you're looking to win something you should check out my project domestication blog. :)

I'm giving away some fun finds from NYC.

I'm glad you didn't fall for that hoax.

Darah said...

I want to win a free gym pass too!! haha. Jos, I love your blogs.