Monday, November 17, 2008

the hills

don't ask me why I love the hills...why Monday nights at 11:00 pm MST is devoted only to channel 53 and nothing else, not even a channel switch during the commercials...why their awkward facial expressions take up about 15 minutes of the show...why my relationship mirrors Audrina and Justin Bobby's...why justin bobby is the sexiest advice giver/wherever the wind blows and part time tool...and ultimately why spencer is a douche with a "flesh colored beard" (seriously, whoever coined that phrase was a genius)...

1 comment:

Erin said...

I LOVE IT. In fact, as soon as I am done reading some blogs, I am going to clean my room and watch all the After Shows online, because I'm already caught up on the episodes, and that's the only other way to get more Hills in my life. I am just that awesome.

Also I hate Spencer