Wednesday, January 2, 2008


weird. its 2008. and im still larger than i wanted to be. boo. still have about 28 more days til i can go to the gym. dont want to be crowded with all the other large people who set the same goals i did. not much in the news today and by news i mean entertainment, what else. packed all my stuff today. seriously have no idea how i acquire so much junk and i am only one person! who needs a payless shoe highlighter and hand sanitizer, or a snowman bowl set? sick. i have like 8 blankets that all go in one box. one HUGE plastic container for shoes alone, and since i have big feet, that makes it even worse. like six garbage bags of hung clothes, one big red suitcase just of jackets, one mini suitcase just for scarves, two old volleyball bags for pants, one large duffle bag for shirts, two large plastic containers for summer clothes, lets stop there cause that is disgusting. my goal now should be to simplify. and be simplify, i mean get skinnier.


a. dancepants said...

you should have helped me pack. you would have felt better.

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

i adapted a new rule last year. one in one out. try it, you'll love it! Every time you buy somehting new you must get rid of something!

...i miss ya! let's go to lunch SOON!