Friday, November 30, 2007

uncomfortable things

Had a "politically and socially" incorrect conversation today at work (while I was creating a blog for work, I'm a machine). Natania told me that it was. We talked about how looking at uglies makes us uncomfortable and trying to get as much action as you can before you go to Asia cause you probably won't want any there. Then we came up with blog topics....for the both of us, and for work of course, cause that's where we were, trying to earn the big bucks. So, as a little's what might be coming soon: Funny dreams, Floral designs, The Hills talk, My Quirky Childhood, People who take pictures of themselves, gotta love the "print screen" button and Playing the "Who Settled" game. If you are expecting any bearing of the soul posts, puh-lease. That's what the facebook "status" is for. Losers. Oh and don't ask me what this picture is. I print screened it off of This Week In Pictures. Yeah...and I have Limewire. Wha-whaaaaaaaaaat.

1 comment:

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

you totally just broke one of your blog rules :)