Friday, December 14, 2007


so everyone, did you hear that __________'s group one? sick. whatever, they were psychos. (this is an observation, and if you think that its justification for gossip, go read someone elses blog). anyways, part of me was hoping that _________'s group wouldn't win because they were...way too intense about our *666 project. they deserve it for being total pompous [please insert whatever word you would like....profane or not]. anyways, what do they get for winning? well, nothing from the rest of us from the 666 class. they are probably patting themselves and eachother on the backs. i know these are going to be one of those "high school glory days" equivalent stories that they tell at christmas parties to people who probably think to themselves "who invited this guy". very very sad. while we on the other hand, are going to be the ones that people come to the party to see. hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

*not real class...well its probably the devils class...actually its what _____'s class was really called.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this post and I completely agree with everything you said. ______'s class was probably the devil's class...we are so much better for not being in it!