Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Things I love

1. Spotting funny backpack runners on campus
2. Finding more than $5 in my pocket, anything less
3. Passing a class that I probably didn't deserve to pass based on my work ethic
4. Anything that makes you look skinny
5. Office supplies, any kind, especially colorful ones...or ones that are really hip
6. Watching really awkward flirting I can laugh
7. Blogging...duh
8. Reading meaningless, pathetic celebrity gossip...did you hear about Jamie Lynn!????
9. Seeing people trip and try to cover it up
10. Being the last car on the left turn arrow right before it turns red

1 comment:

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

YOu totally love the backpack runners...and YES they are hilarious!