Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rappin up the 485

(Please picture a white boy, who video taped himself, created his own beat on a keyboard and posted this on youtube)

What up Brimhall, you aint never seen
Wakes in the house wit his capstone team

Three eighty two is where we stay
1:30 to 2:30 Tuesday, Thursday (yeah yeah we stayed til 245 whatever)

Jimmy, Liz, Adriana and Ash
With their little whigga Drew, hustlin for the cash

Bex, Whit, Kwok, and Jos
With one male model who…well… put himself on facebook and put it in the campaign for everyone else to see…

Wicka wicka anywaaaaaayz…

Shea, Jamie and the Lisa twins
Only got she’s ain’t got no hims

We’ve hustled and we’ve flowed, got three killa campaigns
We are the loyal subjects to the mighty Wakes reigns

The four eight five is now over, we get down on our knees
Not to pray foo
To take out Rawlins wannabeeees


(followed by footage of a rap concert...rappers pace up and down the stage, throwing gang signs and threatening their rivals)


Becky @ Project Domestication said...

tears are coming out of my eye ducts...

Anonymous said...

Josie....I love your rapping skills! This alone just made 485 all worth it! :)

naomi said...

you tube "chocolate rain"

Blake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You couldn't even put my name in there?
And why you hatin' on my facebook page?

Anonymous said...

Haha, love it Josie!